
Qudra Ventures

We are Qudra Ventures, an early age saudi VC funding the most promising startups with the aim of empowering the next generation of innovators in developing economies by helping them expand into Saudi and GCCs

Why choose us ?

- Our team has years of experience working and developing top startups in the Saudi market, and we are committed to providing the guidance and support you need to thrive

- Access to a diverse network: We have a vast network of contacts across industries, which we leverage to help our portfolio companies succeed.

- A long-term partnership: We are not just here to provide funding and walk away. We are committed to building long-term relationships with our portfolio companies, and we work closely with them to help them achieve their goals.


Our Belief

Entrepreneurs come from everywhere.

At Qudra Ventures, we believe that innovation knows no boundaries. We are committed to empowering the most promising startups in developing economies, helping them grow and reach their full potential.

We believe that investing in startups is not just about providing funding, but also about providing mentorship, guidance, and support. We work closely with our portfolio companies, providing them with the resources they need to succeed especially while expanding into developed economies

We believe that by investing in startups in developing economies, we can help drive economic growth and create new opportunities for people around the world. We are excited to be part of this journey, and we look forward to working with the most innovative and forward-thinking entrepreneurs in the world.


Get in Touch with Qudra Ventures

If you are an entrepreneur, startup founder, or and investor who shares passion about innovation, shoot us an email at